Today is the second day of darling's sailing.
If normal sailing,he will return tomorrow.
However, ii still have to bear with it for 10 more days:X
These 2 days, ii've been staying at home.
My night have become days.
ii think ii have to try sleep early.
These are the photos that we took before the day he went sailing.
However, ii still have to bear with it for 10 more days:X
These 2 days, ii've been staying at home.
My night have become days.
ii think ii have to try sleep early.
These are the photos that we took before the day he went sailing.

hahas. They're trying to learn what ii do:D hahas.

Don't wish to talk about it.
Really very pissed & angry with myself!
ii did bring calculator. but ii dint take it in for exam!!
& ii do the calculation correctly,but ii thought ii'm wrong.
So ii dint complete it!!! BUT II"M CORRECT!!!
F siiol!!! Damn angry!
Dont talk about it lle.
These are the photos we took after the exam:)
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