Saw the cheque photo?
hehheh:p It's my first time writing a cheque-.-
Mum always asked me to help her with those stuff but I dint even bother.
Aww~ I don know if it's acceptable...
But i hope it is! :p
- D I A M O N D -
Diamond is getting fatter & fatter. Naughtier as well:D
The photos will show how she is recently :D

- Nine. March. Eleven -
Finally after 27 months, we went for roller blading.
I have to learn all over again:X
How long will I learn this time round??
After blading, we went for ''dinner''^^
4 person having ''dinner'' at Bedok around 10pm plus. lols
I apologize that my latest update is a bit weird.
I just cant concentrate:X
I'll update again when I've got the mood to yeas.
- W A N T I N G ! -

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