this was my very first update.
have been thinking what address should i create for my blog.
lols. hahas.
anyway,back to today=)
mmm. Today was home whole day at hubby's place.
till around 8pm plus,then we went downstairs for buffet (it's a RC treat. free dinner for JUST this blk. should be becos of thoses friendly neighbours here.) hahas.
after dinner,went back home change,then hubby's friend,Louis & his girlfriend,came to fetch us.
we went Hougang plaza as usual. Hubby & his frind wanna play pool. so just go & accompany him.
afterall,it's his buddy.
FUNNY arrx. when they're playiing,there was 2 elder uncles,1 aunty+1 young gal was sitting down.
just dont know which of my brain cells go crazy. started thoses RUBBISH. lols..
:at that moment,was thinking. if the same situation will be the same 10 years later?? lols.
hubby heard it,start laughiing like MAD! cant stand!
after pool . . .
hahas. we went airport to have POPEYE=)
so this is e advantages of having a vehicle. so good!
after eating,Louis send us back home llo.
tml's duty.haiis. dint come back again.
SUCKS llahs! totally dislike it!
cos . . .
ii'll MISS him even MORE!!!
i love him!
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