hahas. since last night,my right lower eyelid keep ''jumping'' like nobody business.
so uncomfortable llahs. & was also wondering what thingy might happen on me=)
have been waiting for the good thingy to happen.
who knows. during lesson time, Darling send me this:
''Darling.call me after your lesson. my friend's uncle have reply''
hahas. wa! was so happy llahs. all thanks to darling & his friend=)
hahas.actually was giving up waiting. but who knows...
although we cant meet the GM from ''THE HOTEL'',BUT we manage to fix a appointment from the Sales & marketing Director=)
this coming friday,4pm=)
wa!! so proud of it lle!!! =) kekes. lols.
let's wish me & my group members all the best for the interview & the coming up presentation bahs=)
god blessed=)
anyway,for yesterday hors.
sucks llahs! ii dint attend lesson llahs.
aww~ ii woke up late. lesson starts at 9.15 but ii woke up at 9.35am. lols llahs.
by the time ii reach school it's aready 1o.4o+.aww~
toopiid llehs! why did ii fall asleep without setting my alarm clock??
harms me to be absent in class. aww~
miss out alot of important notes llehs. 超不爽的!!!
then today also dont know what's wrong with me llo.
cant even concentrate in class.
is it ii miss out the previous lesson which cause me this way or the classroom today was filled with unfamiliar faces?? mmm.
cannot lle! ii'mm rest early tonight. make sure it wont happen tomorrow again.
hahas. tomorrow after sch plann to meet sinyi to jurong point=)
*secret for my & her niia* hees.
should be that's all for today bahs.
was tired aready.
bye readers ... yawns.
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