The Ring ...
sometime ii wonder. what rings are for ... Then ii realize that circle always had significance from ancient cultures to the present as a symbol of wholeness and perfection. Its endlessness is the perfect symbol of oneness and unity - no beginning, no end. It is also the symbol of the sun, earth and universe, and represents holiness, perfection and peace.
Early on,the caveman bound himself to his mate with a cord of woven rushes as a symbol that their spirits were one. Ancient European Northerns believed that a lover's knot was a symbol of love, faith, and friendship. The knot was formed out of the hair of the beloved, woven into a knot that was then worn as a ring.
hahas. now ii'm kinda understand the meaning of wedding ring.
No beginning, no ending. wholeness & perfection.
oneness & unity.

ii wonder when will ii have mine too?? my ring, my everlasting love??
hahas. let's drop this topic. I'm just bored. so bring up this. lols.
anyway,back to today. was at Darling house the whole day. Did some washing & house chore.
then having Pizza hut (delivery) for dinner with his second brother. Almost the evening was wondering what's darling doing over there. As he sprain his ankle... haiis. really make me worried for him...
Hope he's fine. The big baby... =) oh ya! ii just remember that 3 more days it's our 4 months anniversary.
Was wondering what darling intend to do.
cos he told me to come straight after school on Wednesday afternoon.
wonder what he's up to. mmm. hahas.
anyway,am signing off soon. tired. dylan wants my HUGG! hahas. lols.
Good niight reader ...