28 more hours, I will have no more freedom (Whining~~~!)
It might sounds over reacted to you guys, I know!
But (SIGH!) I just feel that personally I'm still not totally ready for a full time job yet.
However, I knew that I couldn't waste any of the time doing nothing, staying at home. I'm already in my early twenties, not schooling, not working. Added on, I'm not married, further I'm NOT a tai tai. So am I going to wait for the money dropping from the sky?!
Whenever it comes to this, it sounds sooooooo shitty! Why am I not from a wealthy family??(Mumbling away~~~~)
1st June 2011
My official date of joining the company, which was 28 more hours. Nevertheless,it's also our 30th months. How will that day be?? I ponder ... ... ...
I always wanted to have my own savings. Afford to have a blissful future ahead w my ♥ w no burden & at least I'm helping. Therefore, my partner's wont feel stressful/depressed over money issue if we're going for the future (future needs).
That's includes my family too! I can afford whatever they want (although I'm not earning a lot, but at least I could able to afford something w my own earning money.) or bringing them out for some nice food.
So when I heard I could be able to start work, I'm happy!
Excited about the new position that I've never tried in my life. Hence it's sounds interesting.
Meantime, I'm worried & somehow dissatisfied.
Worry -> Cos it's a job that I have to start from the beginning, have to really buck up. Nevertheless, this particular question does effects me "Will I be able to competent??"
Dissatisfied -> Cos I have only 1 off day on weekend, (1 month, I will only have 4 off days) the time for doing whatever I want have been affected. Most importantly was those VERY precious time w my ♥ boyfriend, my ♥ family member, & even the time w diamond WILL BE shorten.
I prefer flexible timing, going around & not sitting/staying at a certain place for the whole day.
But what my job going to be is almost opposite o.0 Speechless! It's my choice aftermath.
For now, I just hope that everything will be fine for me.
Everything goes well & smooth.
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