Angels heard me for my dreams ...
- Going Hong Kong,Disneyland, for Christmas:)ღ
- Going Taiwan or Maldives for holidays with lovesღ

Anyway, back to today ...
It was totally an exhausted day.
rushing to work, ended up ii've argue with the old,unreasonable bitch
& ii quit that job straight away.

That job,
with no commission, no cpf,
& ii work like ii'm their slave.
Whereby ii don even need to.
Since the start of my holiday,
ii dint take the effort to g over to mummy shop.
However,ii went today.
ii almost had an argument with dad.
Ended up, it was still fine.
The only thing that makes me feel happier was ;
Finally, ii've got my diploma cert!!! :D
Time really flies!!!
But that cert's really cost a bomb.
Nevertheless, ii seriously thought that
how ii really wish that ii could be able to get into poly.
although it's takes a longer time,
But at least it's much much more cheaper.
& ii think it'll be even more fun, ii supposed.
Sigh! ii just cant get in!
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