he looked like Mr Bean right? lols. taken during lesson time:)
Opps! Pal Pal!

A few to nagg on ...
ii'm starting to count down for my trip to Malaysia on the coming 17 Sep.
To get away from this busy & stressed up environment.
The day it's getting nearer and i'm getting more & more excited about it.
But nevertheless, it's also quite disappointing as my family cannot participate in this trip.
ii'm goiing to take as much photos as possible:))
although it's just our neighbour, Malaysia. it's still a trip after all:)
ii'm still not a mountain tortoise. hees. lols.
Another thingy,
my good cousin's called me 1 night.
telling me to support her by going Charcoal for dinner !
It's counted cheap for fine dining:) & the food there was not bad:)
Aww~ But too bad,ii cant attend:(
you huhs, so goood ...
last week can,but someone is lazy to call.
making me so wanna go but cant!
ii'm been nagging it at darling since Thursday after ii hanged up the phone.
ii want go! ii want goo!! ii wannt goo!!!
ii'm going to kill you!
could you tell me earlier in future?
P.S. you know who ii'm referring to huhs... don laugh! sigh!
oh ya,
yesterday ii went to perm my hair. lols.
$2oo++ & it's F R E E . hahas.
A new machine goiing to on launch soon.
Then darling cousin's is a hairstylist & one of the manager from Kimage.
So asking me to be her hair model.
& ii just go:)
Aww~ 1 thing to describe during the perming,
which is ,you have to sit there for very long. aww~
From 6pm sharp, all the way to 8.3o pm.
butt's burning.
after all, the perm is okay,natural curl. will load some photos.
P.S. ii dint took photos. so no photos of me ...
& my curl:P

AFTER that,

& after the perm, darling came to look for me.
have dinner with his cousin as well:) at TCC.
one toopiid service that ii''ve ever seem.
ii find him brainless.
darling's not eating. only drink.
darling cousin's & myself, we ate beef.
ii ordered a dessert as well where ii ordered myself to the waiter.
He dint asked if the dessert serving now or after meal.
& he just serve the dessert before the main course.
WTH?? darling went to ask if the dessert can served after my main course.
yet he answered that darling never tell him.
he should have asked right?
what a good service llahs. plus,it's kinda expensive llo.
2 main course,2 drinks,1 dessert = $87.
OMG! sigh!
Let's dropped this subject.
making me pissed & heartaching:((

P.S. 5 more days:) muacks
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