wa! it's been a long tine ii dint update:x& now, this post will be surely be a extreme long want ii bet. hahas.
:) it was a exam week holiday from 13th-19th April. hahas. But first day of holiday,Darling was on sailing. aww~ so was at home. who knows,darling's mummy called. She said she have cook my share:) called me go dinner. so ii went:) so sweet right. so happy!
was another boring day. But late evening,ii accompany darling to Hougang Plaza for pool. lols. Chuii llahs! my aiming was scuks! aww~ play tilled kinda pissed off. then around 1o pm plus. Darling send me home :) LOVES!
P.S. Darling told me that ii'm his first girlfriend whom will played pool with him:) hees.
It wasnt a very nice day for darling & myself. We went Ikeas to buy flame. then to Gaint. went hanged out for less than 2 hours & we dint talked nore than 1o sentences. That was scuks! :((
My EXAM!!! wa! almost late! don mentioned about why lle. my exam! wa! just hope ii'll pass bahs. ii dint study for the last 2 chapter. Then confirm 8 marks gone. haiis. that was scuks too! after exam,ii went to mummy shop llo. cos so long dint went down. daddy miss me lle! hahas. started calling me:) went down for awhile,then ahead to darling hse:) but siians ... Darling's standby being activate. went back around 7pm plus llo. then ii went home. Who knows,midnight around o3.3o am,Darling called. telling me that he's coming back now. then,he was drunk ...
haiis. he came over. kept quating at e toilet bowl. lols. but weird right ... went sailing but why he's drunk?? ii also don know llo. just believe:) he told me that officer cheated them back. aww~ if ii get to find out whose's the officer,ii tell you. ii'm gonna curse him arrx!!! disliked llo!!! & another thingy was. Bcos mummy brought a kitten back. ii have to stay home for this weekend llo. so darling came over to accompany me. hahas. Good darling hors! kekes.
Darling told me that the new shopping mall at Tampines is open:) so we went there:) Was so big & crowded llahs. It's name as Tampines One1. hahas. too crowded changed our mood. dont like places that are squeezing like hell llo. lols. Who knows first,ii met Jocelyn's boyfriend(Jason),younger brother (Darren) & 2 cousin :). hahas. ii was just thinking of YeKai. Then walking further down,really met him & girlfriend:) hahas. really so coincident :) After that,we stop shopping as we suggest to go some other days which is not really that crowded. so went to Fair Price to bought some foods for steamboat & breakfast for the next day:) hahas. so funn! loves the feeling buying food home with darling. preparing our own food together:) we made salad too :D
hahas. darling wake up earlier then me. He dint disturb me. Instead,he was at the living room watching the drama (Destiny Love) ii like:) & was with the kitten:) so surprise llahs. Darling seems like he likes the kitten:) hahas. we was home watching the drama for the whole day. then went KouFu to buy our dinner:) althought we dint really went out. But being home together,it's really enough for me. hahas.
aww~ School starts again. started on the next module ''Service Quality & Business Communication'' wa! really lucky that theres no Group Project. it's individual writing a professional Resume:) hahas. after school,ii went Bugis to buy shorts & fake eyelash:) & exchange of the New Urban footwear Darling bought for me:) foot was small,no sizes. gotta go down to cineleisure. Change for another design,top-up another 1o bucks for my slipper! hahas. love it lots!
As usual, go to school. but after school,darling still working. No half day. so contact Gary out for lunch. then met jian an buying food. hahas. His own money dropping off he don know. then gary took it & tell him that it's our treat. lols. he believe?? hahas. after lunch,going back home. But that toopiid Gary,the weather was so hot. He tyco me this & that. calling me accompany for his baobei out then ii go back home together with my sister. cant stand him llahs. Reached home. Get myself prepared. Then darling came fetched me lle.
My Feeling ...
haiis. ii just don't know why & how come ii feel so insecure llo. nothiing really happened to darling & myself this few days llo. I had a dreamt when ii'm at his place taking a short nap. ii dreamt that he have been mixing with girls. ii dreamt that he mentioned he don't really love me:( ii woke up started crying. & ii saw darling just beside me. Am so freaking happy that my dreamt wasnt real! But still, am feeling weird. so night time ii messaged SinYi. she sent me this :
Don worry. It is part & parcel of being in a relationship. Happiness,sadness,funn,quarrels,jealousy,insecurities & blissfulness. Don't they make relationship wonderful? Ought to live your life to the fullest & treasure his company while his around. Too much worries bring insecurities & that's wat break a relationship.
This sentences really effect me alot & it calm me down:) Thanks yeas:) CHIA SINYI!!! hahas.
As for today,cant wake up on time for school. aww~ xue te! ii've missed out chapter2 again! haiis. tomorrow die die also must go lle. jiayou!!! hahas. wanna stop writing now. wrote alot aready. hahas.
BYE readers ...
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