aww~ today wasn't really as smooth as what ii think.
we had a little conflicts. haiis. the feeling was really scuks!!!
It all starts in the afternoon... went back to sleep & we're kinda fine.
But after hanging up the phone with my cousin's we start again ... =(
my cousin's called. asked to accompany her to clubbing. ii really would wish to...
but ii really have to consider about the consequences if ii really agree to go with her.
what if i agree to go,what he'll be doing at night? & who will he be with?
what if i agree to go,what/how he's attitude will be?
really don't dare to think about it. Ended,ii reject her. I'm sorry!
We sat down & have a chat. we really talked thingys out.
& everything turn out smoothly. I'm really 'f' glad!!! =)) By the time we planned for any program,it's already half day gone ... ( around 6pm plus ... )
We decide to go for movie=)
went plaza sing to meet his buddy;Louis & gal.
2nd, Just Acids for dinner=) then pool at Parklane.
hahas. I did touch the pool cue today. OMG! still played for a few strokes then off for movie=)
siiao liiaos! ii really cant touch pool cue want llo. I'll keep on wanting to play.
arghhh! my jelly pattern! planning to go for pool tomorrow llehs...
aww~ see llahs! die! But 1 sad thingy is:
darling sailing tomorrow to Tuesday! scuks llahs! don need play llo. haiis.
how ii wish he have no sailing tomorrow llo. Tomorrow Sunday llehs. kaos!
Really need to DA XIAO REN already llo. Humphs# ROARS!!!
Anyway,back to the movie ... LOLS. We watched ''Fast & Furious 4'' =) so happy! finally get to watch movie again! hees. The movie ends around o1.3o am.
His friend send us back llo. sians again llo. cant spent more time have funn lle. aww~
OOH NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been playing non-stop this few days! aww~ Jesmine! Do you know your exam is just 5 days ahead?! & you're still playing like nobody business! What the hell??
*sigh! Tomorrow have to really get my ass back on track! ii don't wanna waste another month studying the same module again... plus paying another $2oo to re-take the exam. it's really a waste! & I'm really gonna get killed from my mummy if that really happen. *faint!
Jesmine. Jiayou bahs :x
aww~ have to study & no darling for tomorrow & monday! =(