Theses for some photos that ii aint update for so long.

Above was how Mrs Mel was laughing away crazily while we're working.
Was too bored. hahas.
Dont she looks like she'd crying in a funeral or she's praying.
LOLS. Opps!
ii think she gonna post mine too!
Oh Shit!

Boyfriend's so good.
He went to fetch me after my work.
Kenny Roger for dinner.
Aftermath, movie. Great World:)

&& we too!
Watched Karate Kid soon when it's release.

Hahas. it's so damn nice!
ii would says it's the best movie of the year.
Woo- Hoo~~

This is me, with MOMO:)
she's cute, isnt she?
With that,
Not forgetting , my chocolates:P
There goes my Chilli Placa, Milk tablet chocolate
& the black & milk chocolate w/o sweet.
Most suitable for those who have diabetes or those who eats healthily.
mmm. SHIOK!